Parent Pledge
Haz cliq para El Compromiso De Los Padres en Español
Talk With Your Teen
Research shows that teens identify parents as the number one influence in their lives and kids who learn about drug risks from their parents are 50 percent less likely to use alcohol. If you think your teen isn’t listening, think again.
Teens will listen if they sense that parents value their input and feelings, and if there is ongoing two-way dialogue. Discuss drugs and alcohol as part of everyday conversations.
Don’t wait to have “The Talk.” Use “teachable moments” from TV shows, radio songs, advertisements, your teen’s friends, or someone under the influence.
How to get started:
- Create an environment of trust and understanding by sharing values, family history and the harms of teen substance abuse.
- Define clear, consistent boundaries and expectations around substance use/abuse
- Actively listen and give your teen room to voice his or her own views and feelings
- Talk about how to handle situations your teen may encounter
- Be rational, and don’t overreact
- Be calm and non-judgmental
- Don’t lecture, exaggerate, interrupt or make false claims
- You don’t have to be an expert – but show that you are informed. It’s ok to say you don’t know
- If conversation becomes negative, let it go and continue when another opportunity develops
- Ongoing dialogue is the best way to keep communication flowing both ways and address situations as they come up.
Take the Parent Pledge:
Protect your teen against the dangers of alcohol and drugs by taking the Parent
Pledge. Signing a Parent Pledge sends a clear “Don’t Use” message to your teen.
Click here to take the Parent Pledge.
Responsible Host Lookup
Responsible Hosts have made the commitment to:
- Not allow underage drug or alcohol use in their home
- Actively chaperone youth gatherings at their residence
- Welcome any parent or guardian of a teen attending a party at their home to call and check on party details, times, supervision, and other concerns
Search this countywide database to see if a residence is participating as a Responsible Host. You can search this database by phone number and/or address.
Parents are encouraged to always call the hosting parent(s) to verify the occasion, location, and the presence of adult supervision.